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Cruinniú na nÓg June 15th 2024 @ Siamsa Tire V92 XW44


Running annually since 2018, Cruiniú na nÓg is a festival day consisting of a wide range of creative activities including workshops, tutorials, recitals and readings in every city, town and village across the country.

Makermeet is thrilled to be taking part again this year. We'll be running the following workshops in
Siamsa Tíre in Tralee...

Make a Whirlygig!


Participants will create a spinning “Whirlygig” - a toy invented before the industrial age. This toy can spin over 125,000RPM, and has some surprising scientific and medical uses!


Saturday June 15 @ 11am

Ages 6 and up

Cost: FREE

Booking Required

Click here to book


3D Modelling


Digital art! Learn to create models in 3D! These can be used to make a small game in 3D. This is an intro to the basis of visual effects, digital design, architectural visualisation, and game art.


Saturday June 15 @ 2:30pm

Ages 13 and up

Cost: FREE

Booking Required

Click here to book


Fabulous Flight!


Join us to make things that fly! Paper Airplane, Hoop Flyer and a Helicopter. Learn about lift, aerodynamics, and different types of resistance.


Saturday June 15 @ 12:30pm

Ages 4 and up

Cost: FREE

Booking Required

Click here to book


2D Animation


Join us to create an animation in 2D. The path to becoming an animator starts HERE! Characters, drawings, images and more can be created, manipulated and made to jump through hoops!


Saturday June 15 @ 4pm

Ages 10 and up

Cost: FREE

Booking Required

Click here to book

Marble Run.jpeg

Marble Run


Create a run and try to get your marble to go as far as you can. Use all types of materials, think creatively and test how far your marble runs! Tubes, tracks, switches, bottles, cardboard, cables and fun!

Bring your own materials or use what we have - we will have plenty of hot glue; blutak; tape; staples and more to hold the track together!


Saturday June 15, 11am - 5pm

Ages: All!

Duration: 6 hours!

Cost: FREE

NO Booking Required!


Venue Information:







Cruinniú na nÓg

June 15th 2024


@ Siamsa Tire,


Co. Kerry

V92 XW44

Siamsa Tire Logo.webp
Cruinniu na nOg Logo 2023_LG.png

MakerMeet IE are delighted to once again collaborate on a series of architectural workshops designed specifically for the younger generation.


These hands-on workshops will allow participants the opportunity to experience professional Maker-led, S.T.E.A.M.-based workshops and get to explore planning and building their own architectural structures!


We're still nailing down which workshops we'll do on what dates, so check back here soon to find out.

Please note that all workshops are FREE and places are limited, so early booking is essential!


Check out some of our greatest hits from last year:




With Engineers Week 2024 on the horizon, what activities do you have planned for your students?


Makermeet’s suite of mind-activating and creatively-empowering workshops can intuitively connect the “How?” with the “Why?” to inspire our next generation of builders, makers, and do-ers.

Electrical Engineering

Batteries, switches, LEDs! We make Circuitry Simple with an array of electronic engineering workshops to suit every ability level. We use approachable materials like Card, Clips, Fruit, and Paper to simplify the introduction to concepts like Current, Polarity, Coductivity, and more.

Charge your students with potential today!


Civil Engineering

Building houses, bridges, practical structures of all kinds... not all Engineering is nuts-and-bolts - some requires large-scale thinking!

We run Design A Town workshops that get students thinking about community needs, environmental requirements, and infrastructure planning.



Mechanical Engineering

Our Structural and Mechanical Engineering workshops provide a strong foundation for understanding the distribution of force and weight as we build. We test the surprising strength of materials like tissue, paper, cardboard, and pencils - introducing concepts like tension, compression, rigidity, and torsion. We construct geodesic domes, bridges made from sticks, and we rapid-prototype vehicals and contraptions in cardboard.


Software Engineering

Coding is an essential skill in modern life, and our workshops introduce students to coding using easy-to-interpret methods with immediate results.

Students will grapple with machine logic and code-flow without even realising it as they make robots move or characters run.

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