You have your survey questions in hand and a sample of selected volunteer users. Now is the time to assemble your team of UX experts, break out your expensive recording equipment, and turn your marketing office into a high-tech user testing lab, right? Hopefully not. “Recording doesn't have to be too complicated,” says Allegra. “There are many web-based tools that make it easy to run tests from anywhere. »Whether you're testing a webpage, an app, or another part of your content marketing experience, recording your user testing comes down to two simple needs: you need a way to record your user's interactions with your content, and you need a window into what they're thinking as they go through those experiences. Capturing user interaction is quite buy email list simple using screen capture software or even something as basic as a video recording of a user's screen.
But getting user information is a little trickier. The goal here is to get your user's thoughts as close to the moment of their interaction as possible. So while you may give your tester a survey or interview after they interact with your site, it's best to hear their buy email list opinion as they go through your tasks. To that end, a common method for usability testing is to encourage a “think-aloud” environment, where you ask your user to express their thinking process aloud while browsing your site. Depending on how you monitor the experience, you'll have the ability to ask simple clarifying questions (as long as you avoid directing your user's behavior), and when it's all said and done, you should have an insightful voiceover. which you can map to your interaction record as well.
Allegra also offers a key component to avoiding buy email list one of the most common UX mistakes for beginners: "user experience testing is not the same as UI testing." Make sure that when building your tests and interacting with your users, you give equal weight to understanding your user's impressions, emotions, and intentions, in addition to seeing whether they prefer green or blue buttons. While your interface is at the heart of the interaction, it's critical to remember that behavior begins in the minds and emotional reactions of your users. A UX designer gives a presentation to her team Image attribution: raw pixel Third step: learn and iterate "[UX design] is meant to make you think about what your user is doing.